Community Life

Church Cleaners provide weekly light cleaning of church. [Nancy Zint]

Hospitality after Mass arranges and serves refreshments once a month after 10:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. [Roger Bernhard]

John Paul II Family Fellowship gives St. Clare families with children attending JPII fellowship opportunities. [Jeannine Abbott]

Ladies Society provides needed items for the church, tuition aid, church cleaning and more. [Mary Lou Ficker]

Landscaping provides maintenance of gardens around the campus. [Parish Office]

Men's Group, empowered by the Spirit, helps one another grow in the love of Christ by sharing life experiences. [Mark Albert]

Ministry to Sick, Shut-ins and Elderly provides support and service to the sick, shut-ins and elderly. [Marge Bischoff]

Rosary Guild teaches people how to make rosaries. They meet on the 3rd Friday of each month at St. Ann Church, 2900 Galbraith Rd. Rosaries are made for our RCIA candidates and missions all over the world. [Judy Siegmund]

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