Art & Environment prepares church for celebrations of the liturgical season through altar cloths, banners and plants. [Mary Rose]
Bereavement Ministry assists families in planning Mass of Christian Burial, attends the Mass and assists during the liturgy. [Eileen McGuiggan]
Children's Liturgy of the Word proclaims the Word of God on a level understandable to young children. [Donna Booker]
Eucharistic Ministers distribute Communion at Mass and to shut-ins. [Sandy Fernbacher]
Gift Presenters bring forward the gifts at weekend and holyday Masses. [Harold Schuler]
Greeters provide a warm welcome at weekend Masses. [Harold Schuler]
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. [Pat Molloy]
Liturgical Movement enhances the liturgy through non-verbal prayer, banners, incense and dance. [Monica Bonecutter]
Music Ministry provides music through Adult Choir, Cantors, and Instrumentalists. [Darin Art]
Prayer Line
provides prayer by request and prays for those in need of help. [Darin Art]
Sacristans prepare the sanctuary for weekend Masses and oversees weekend liturgies by making sure Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, and Lectors are present. [Harold Schuler]
Servers (Elementary, High School and Adult) assist the presider at Mass.
give assistance wherever necessary to assure comfort and efficiency in the celebration of the liturgy. [Harold Schuler]