Parish School of Religion


 Parish School of Religion (PSR) is a faith-filled and fun environment for children to learn and explore their Catholic faith and build community and lasting friendships.


We meet from September through April in the Church Undercroft:


  • Sunday mornings begin with breakfast at 8:45am and an opening prayer at 9am.
  • The classes end at 10:20am, which is most convenient to attend 10:30am Mass.


How Can Parents Be Involved


First and foremost, sharing your faith through word and lived example is how parents can be involved in their children’s faith development. Attending Mass, praying as a family, reading the Bible, and serving others are a few examples of how you can nurture your family’s faith. Would you consider sharing a prayer with the PSR community? Maybe your family has a favorite prayer or Bible story or ritual that can be shared. Please indicate on the registration form your interest in leading the opening prayer (five minutes is fine and it can be as simple as you like); you’ll be contacted for your availability.


Second, we would appreciate your help to provide breakfast food and stay as the parent helper. It would be great if your family could bring enough to feed approximately 25-35 people. Paper goods, juice and coffee will be provided. The parent helper is the second adult in the building and would be available if any catechist needs help. You will need to stay for the entire session. Please return two dates you would be available with your registration.


Finally, parents can be involved as catechists. PSR requires eight volunteers; two catechists share the load for one of the four combined classes (1 st and 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th , 5 th and 6 th , and 7 th and 8 th ). We have openings for TWO catechists. Catechists do need to be approved to work with children before they can start. We provide materials and will give as much help as you need to get you going in a new ministry. Maybe you don’t think you’re ready this year. Would you consider shadowing a catechist this year to take on the role potentially in the following year? Volunteer catechists are the backbone of PSR and the most important quality is the willingness to share your faith with children. You can indicate your interest as a catechist on the registration form or call Donna.


 Registration Due by August 15 to Parish Office Click  here to download the required PSR release form, which must be filled out for each child and e-mailed to  prior to attending.


Please respond by the due date the names and grades of the children who will be attending so that materials can be ordered and ready for the first day even if you need time to send the payment. The cost for PSR this year is: one child = $40.00; two children = $50.00; three or more children = $60.00.


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